Journey to Christendom - Forward
France, outside of Jargeau, the Loire Valley, in June of 1429.
Forward to Journey to Christendom - The Freedom Dance.
Joan of Arc, the Maid of Orléans and Supreme Commander of the French Army, is a young woman, only seventeen years of age. She is the youngest person in history to hold supreme command of a nation’s military[1]. Joan prepares her devoted troops to assault the English stronghold in Jargeau on her campaign to win northern France back from English occupation. Victory will clear the way for the crowning of Charles VII in Reims as the legitimate King of France. Joan is acting in obedience to the will of God as commanded by her voices from heaven. St. Michael the Archangel communicated the earliest of these heavenly messages during her childhood.
Devoted Captain La Hire wishes to clear up the muddled heads of a few captains in Joan's army, who, being soft, cowardly souls, desire to avoid a direct confrontation with the powerful English army. Against Joan's wishes, they want to sit and starve the English out in a lengthy siege. Let us sit quietly for a moment and listen, feel, and see with the eyes of our souls as La Hire explodes on his peers to tidy up this little misunderstanding about who Joan of Arc is and exactly what her mission is. They need to understand how the landscape of war has changed. Please sit by the side and observe as he throws his helmet, crashing against the wall, maybe close by you, before he speaks. And think about the Church in today's world. Conversely, think about the mighty strongholds that evil holds – about the battle we have before us to free souls from tyranny and pray that God will send us a Joan of Arc! Listen to him now: