The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
S3E7 - "Receiving" the heart of St. Joan of Arc

S3E7 - "Receiving" the heart of St. Joan of Arc

Phenomenological devotion to St. Joan is receiving what she is giving.
Royalty free image from Khanh photography.


Season 3 Episode 7

We are moving now into phenomenology as we journey on the Trail of the Dogmatic Creed with St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse. In the last episode, we rediscovered the metaphysics of the Church. St. Joan turned around our glasses so we could see. We bumped up against the unchanging forms of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in an Augustinian Platonic orientation. Now, we are wondering how to “receive” this transcendent blessing. The beautiful ideas in our head are inspiring; however, those ideas do not seem to connect with our lived experience! “Receiving” that transcendent blessing requires a phenomenological approach. Our goal is to “receive” the heart of St. Joan - to “receive” what she is “giving.”

Reflective question

Can you describe the difference between “receiving” the world as it desires to be received and pure subjective opinion? This is a tough one!

The March of Hope is a set of two poetic prose developed after Journey to Christendom - The Freedom Dance. Both are found in my book, Seek First the Kingdom - the March of Hope. Part 1 is presented below. It reflects on “my changing world view” through the heart of St. Joan.

The March of Hope, Part 1

The Freedom Dance continues merrily on… 
Imagine my astonishment
When the Queen announced
Through my saintly sister Thérèse
That Joan of Arc was to the fore…

The Dance of Freedom was to continue on
The trail of the Dogmatic Creed
Stretched further…
Faith had not yet animated me

Joan of Arc was the chosen guide
On the path of the Dogmatic Creed next
No one can see the Kingdom 
Without Hope that forms our desire

“Joan of Arc will lead you”
Spoke my saintly sister Thérèse
“To a new world view”
“Your actions belie your words of faith!”

“Joan of Arc acts 
According to her faith”
“She is no practical non-believer!”
Saintly Thérèse smiled with eyes dancing

“Unlike her, brother, 
You honor God only with lips!”

“You hope in yourself” Thérèse continued
“While whispering faith in God”
“You cannot see the Kingdom
With your old point of view”

“Joan of Arc will show you
The glorious new world view
That will animate you with love
And create the appropriate desire in you”

We climbed a mountain with Joan of Arc
She pointed to a panorama below
I heard the thunder of God clapping
Bringing rhythm and reason to creation

Joan of Arc, to whom we are so devoted 
Smiled at us, while singing
“God created heaven and earth
Clapping one day, two days, three and more”

“While God was clapping, music was heard!”
Cried our Maid, whom Thérèse and I so enjoy
“One day, two days, three and more
Logical beauty, reason, and rhythm!”

“God created both Reason and Rhythm!” 
She cried, “It all has a purpose!”
“The order of nature is reason and beauty”
“The mystery of rhythm is the artwork of God!”

My heart was leaping!
A lesson in Hope!
That God’s first words convey the wisdom
Of purpose and unity both!

Hushing noisy philosophers aside
With Joan of Arc as my guide
I watched the beauty unfold
I let God explain his point of view

I have always wished 
That beauty had meaning
I had always missed the point 
Of the creation story

Joan of Arc!
With my saintly sister Thérèse
Had brought me to my first juncture in Hope
The meaning of creation – my world view is changing!

I am also the co-host of the Heroic Hearts podcast devoted to a spiritual adventure with St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse of Lisieux! Join us on the journey!


The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
A holy expression of Jehannian-Thérèsian Catholic Spirituality. The Dove and Rose is a phenomenological journey through the heart of St. Joan of Arc in the company of St. Thérèse.