The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
S5E1 - Joan of Arc's letter to the English

S5E1 - Joan of Arc's letter to the English

Joan reveals her Platonic orientation - and it's astonishing
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Season 5 Episode 1

We are beginning a new season in our discovery of St. Joan of Arc! We are observing her through the lens of Régine Pernoud’s book, Joan of Arc - Her Story. We finished last season with Joan in Poitiers where she successfully won the hearts and minds of the theologians questioning her on behalf of the Dauphin, Charles VII. We discussed how she won these hearts through their phenomenological perception of her being. In season 5 we are preparing to move from Joan convincing others to Joan acting. In episode 1 we begin with the letter she dictated to the English while still in Poitiers. It is an astonishing communication to say the least. Importantly, this is our first opportunity to hear Joan express herself and the meaning of her mission freely. This is not eye-witness testimony; it is Joan herself. The hero of our story is expressing herself as she understands herself in light of the mission given to her by Heaven.

Reflective question

What empowers you to speak boldly in the face of near defeat? What insight does Joan of Arc’s expression in the face of near defeat offer you?

I am also the co-host of the Heroic Hearts podcast with Amy Chase. Heroic Hearts is devoted to a spiritual adventure with St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse of Lisieux! Join us on the journey!

Visit Amy’s Substack, The Occidental Tourist.


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The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
A holy expression of Jehannian-Thérèsian Catholic Spirituality. The Dove and Rose is a phenomenological journey through the heart of St. Joan of Arc in the company of St. Thérèse.