The Dove and Rose offers free and paid subscriber options. Publications from my books are paid subscriber only. Much of the rest is free. If you enjoy The Dove Rose regularly, consider becoming a monthly or yearly paid subscriber.
I also have a tip jar in the main menu and after each post. If you enjoy a post and want to make a one-time contribution to my work, the gesture will be much appreciated!
Most importantly, enjoy yourself because I appreciate that you are here.
I want to thank you! Your support is a true blessing. I am pleased to see many new subscribers interested in The Dove and Rose. If you have not yet joined me on Notes, the new feature on Substack, please do. Notes is an excellent way for us to stay in touch beyond the Newsletter.
Since we have new subscribers on board, I want to ask each of you a question. What would you like to see on The Dove and Rose? I am open to new frontiers.
The challenge in publishing The Dove and Rose is taking a single moment of astonishment and radiating its universal meaning out to the community. That is what I do on The Dove and Rose. In 2008, I had a moment of astonishment, a “divine glance,” as St. Thérèse describes in her Offering to Merciful Love. It was an “unreflective certainty” in the words of St. Edith Stein. That moment centered on the person of St. Joan of Arc.
This was obviously a very personal moment. It was also narrowly defined. It put me on a journey to a Kingdom with St. Joan (The Dove) and St. Thérèse (The Rose). The essential factors for moving along with my two saintly sisters were a revelation of the trail itself through writing and then sharing it with others. That is what I do here. I write to reveal and then share. That this process requires sharing indicates that something more universal must be here. Something is here for you also. I do not know what it is. You must write, discover, and reveal that “something” for and to yourself. The Dove and Rose is more than devotional writing. It is a process of moving from potency to act. It is a journey. Only you can reveal the pathway with the help of Heaven.
What would you like to see on The Dove and Rose? I want you to find something here that will inspire you to begin your journey if you feel so inclined.
My schedule of postings is evolving. Now, I am posting a chapter from my books each Monday. In fairness to those who purchase my books, these posts are paid subscriber only. I am posting more on my life with St. Joan and St. Thérèse on Thursdays. These, and most other posts, are free for subscribers. My day-to-day musings are on Notes.
What would you like to see on The Dove and Rose?
I hope you let me know what I might do to help you get the most enjoyment from the Newsletter.
Drop a comment here or email me at
Thank you so much for your support!
~ Walter Emerson
Check out The Dove and Rose podcast here and on Anchor, Spotify, or Apple.
Check out the Heroic Hearts podcast on Substack, Spotify, or Apple. Heroic Hearts is a podcast about healing, enchanting, and elevating our hearts through the stories and spirituality of St. Joan of Arc and St. Therese of Lisieux. Co-hosted with Amy Chase.