Consecration to St. Joan and St. Thérèse

Connect with France, the Eldest Daughter of the Church, through consecration to the combined hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse.


Consecration prayer to St. Joan and St. Thérèse

Dearest Saints Joan of Arc and Thérèse of Lisieux, I come to honor you as my spiritual sisters in the glory bestowed upon you by Our Lord Jesus Christ through the heart of His most holy Mother, Mary. I, without merit and only by the grace of Almighty God, share my spiritual blood with you through the fire of the most Holy Spirit, that Holy Fire that arced through time and space to light my soul in Christ, to my unspeakable joy, in kinship with you. However, in my equally unspeakable sadness for my sinfulness and unworthiness to share in such a magnificent honor; that is, that I should have the sublime honor of belonging to your royal household, I cry out for your patronage, your protection, your prayers, and your friendship. I humbly ask that by the power of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you walk with me and be my constant guides as I struggle on my journey to our shared homeland, the glorious Kingdom of God.

Dearest Saints Joan and Thérèse, may my heart and soul be united with yours in Christ through the heart of our common mother, the Virgin Mary. May I, with my earthly families, friends, and companions, come to join you and all the saints in the fullness of the true heavenly family that is my heritage through the infinite merits of Jesus, He before Whom I fall to the ground, in both holy fear and holy love, to adore.

I ask especially in these most evil and blasphemous times, that, in addition to Faith, Hope, and Love, you would obtain for me the virtues of humility and purity, the noble guardians of my treasures. May I, with your sisterly care, seek to renew my baptismal vows, to reject Satan and his evil lies, to reject the spirit of the world, and to testify daily in my thoughts, words, and deeds, to my fidelity to the Kingship of Jesus Christ in my life.

Saints Joan and Thérèse, my sisters in Christ, I ask with true sincerity and fraternal love in my heart that you would bring me to rest in the depths of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my Mother, the Mother of the Church, and the Mother of God. Through your powerful assistance, may I come to the fullness of True Devotion to Mary as prescribed by my glorious brother in Christ, Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. To Jesus through Mary in the sisterly care of Saints Joan and Thérèse. Amen, so be it.

Most noble Saints Joan and Thérèse, I ask for the courage to fight bravely, even to my death, for the Holy Roman Catholic Church, the true Church of Jesus Christ, that is His Body and His Bride. May I, through the grace obtained by your constant heavenly intercession and in union with that of Mary most holy, seek joyfully to carry my crosses, joyfully to suffer in union with Jesus Christ, all that I must to fulfill the heavenly Father’s will. May I offer my sufferings to bring victory and joy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, my most noble Queen. May my life, with your help, and that I might find true freedom, be consecrated in slavery to my most glorious Queen. May I obtain, through your intercession, the grace to love my Queen with all of my heart, mind, and soul and to be willing to die for her honor.

Finally, in order to make permanent this prayer through the mindful exertion of my free will, and in order to devoutly submit myself to the Perfect Devotion to the Blessed Virgin given to us by Saint Louis, I likewise offer myself in consecration to you, Saints Joan of Arc and Thérèse of Lisieux, as my specific and particular expression of that same consecration I rightfully give to Holy Mary for the glory of her Son, Jesus Christ.

Saints Joan of Arc and Thérèse of Lisieux, I therefore set myself aside for you and for your mission on earth to bring souls to salvation in Christ Jesus through the Immaculate Heart Mary.

Saints Joan and Thérèse, pray for me.

~ By Walter Emerson

The promise of the Knights of the Dove and Rose

Out of love for Jesus Christ, true God and true man, the founder of the Holy Roman Catholic Church, and out of love for His most Holy Mother Mary, Queen, by the grace of God, of heaven and earth, I acknowledge that through the Church we have received the fullness of God’s revelation, not through our own merit, intellect, or workings but only as the result of the gift and grace of being baptized members of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church, the mystical body of Christ on earth.

I understand that these unearned graces carry the grave responsibility to share God’s love and truth with the world without compromising either love or truth. I am fully aware that my duty to faithfully, lovingly, and uncompromisingly proclaim the revelations held, by the sole authority of its Magisterium, in the treasury of the Church through its Scriptures and Traditions will often times make my journey lonely and filled with adversity.

I am willing, and I promise, to take this path, the path of the Holy Cross, to walk alone if needed, to reject the world and its evil master in a spirit of poverty, of renewal of my baptismal promises, and in consecrated slavery to the Virgin Mary with the friendship and protective patronage of St. Joan of Arc and the co-patronage of St.

Thérèse of Lisieux, in order to bring Christ’s message to the world in thought, word, and deed; and, in a spirit of prayer, humility, purity, and service to the poor and the weakest, to seek union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, without Whom we are lost.

~ By Walter Emerson

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