Index of Topics

Stepping into the Being of Mystical France is a journey to the silent primordial ground of the encounter with St. Joan which is her sanctity.


The links below will take you to the posts on that topic. You will find chapters from my books, sundry essays, and videos. The journey through this site with St. Joan and St. Thérèse constitutes a line of insight if read from the earliest posts forward. That means it is more meaningful to start at the bottom of each section and work up in the order they were posted. However, all posts stand on their own merit and will benefit the reader. Enjoy!

Introduction to the Project

Walter Emerson Adams (read this first)

About (read this next)

Is this for you? (then, read this)


On how I became Catholic and devoted to Sts. Joan of Arc, Thérèse of Lisieux, and the French Monarchy

Journey to Christendom - The Freedom Dance

Seek First the Kingdom - The March of Hope

My Life with St. Joan and St. Thérèse

Reflections on devotion to St. Joan and St. Thérèse

The Dove and Rose


Being in the world with St. Joan and St. Thérèse

Being in the world with St. Joan and St. Thérèse - an anthological collection of essays

The Philosophical Foundations of Le Royaume

The House of New Bethany

Monarchy and Royalism

Royal Hearts


Sundry Musings

Video series

More from Walter Emerson Adams

My landing page.

The House of New Bethany.

Heroic Hearts podcast.