The French Royal Hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse
Those called to contemplate the French Royal hearts of St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse of Lisieux will find an expression below derived from an empathic interpretation of their combined spirituality. Royaume France, and a sense of affinity for it, presupposes a divine calling. I developed the content through fifteen years of persistent prayer, reflection, and writing. Royaume France became my life's dominant, single focus in 2008, when, through the poetry and plays of St. Thérèse, I encountered St. Joan of Arc in an unreflective psychic metanoia. Royaume France is no whimsical, sentimental expression; it is ontologically life changing. I thoroughly thought through the meaning of my encounter using the phenomenology of Edith Stein and her peers, in union with Church teachings and philosophy.
Over the years, two factors drove this daily devotion to St. Joan’s call. The first was that the unreflective psychic certainty of my encounter with her in 2008 was divinely willed by every reasonable measure of discernment at my disposal and therefore needed to be responded to with my entire being. It had to be developed without reservation in obedience to God. The second factor was the unwavering conviction that Our Lord and Our Lady were calling others to this same vocation with St. Joan and St. Thérèse. My conviction remains that we are collectively the global French Catholic diaspora whose duty is to convert sinners, save souls, and prepare the way for the spiritual renaissance of Catholic and Royal France worldwide in honor of Our Lady. France plays a central role in the restoration of the Church and Catholic society, and we are the worldwide mystical kingdom of France gathered in contemplation and sacrifice. Our vocation is to help usher in the reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary by saving France for the Church and Christendom. We give all for the Blessed Virgin, expecting no return. We leave ourselves completely at her bidding as her slaves in Christ.
This interpretation reflects the appearance of St. Mary Magdalene on the shores of Provence as the gestalt of mystical France. It appears phenomenologically through the spiritual prism of St. Joan and St. Thérèse’s shared mode of being as sisters in Christ. The model describes the kingdom as it appears to me, one called as a mere scribe in service of these saintly guides. The purpose is to convert sinners and save souls through the renaissance of Magdalene’s form of Catholic and Royal France in our hearts. Through a worldwide, spiritual French Catholic diaspora, France will continue her mission as the Eldest Daughter of the Church and the new tribe of Judah. At this critical moment in history, it is essential that those called through this vocation consecrate themselves to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary through the hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse. Consecration to St. Joan and St. Thérèse will save France and convert many souls to Our Lady and the Catholic Church.
Royaume France is a phenomenological expression of the combined hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse. It assumes no metaphysics in its inception as it initiated with a psychic confrontation; it is phenomenological. However, Catholic thought necessarily constitutes the resulting model out of experience with two preeminent French canonized saints, the co-secondary patronesses of France. The expression emerged through obedience to the bimodal phenomena of my conversion to the Catholic Church on the Feast Day of St. Thérèse in 1984, and a moment of unreflective certainty intuited with St. Joan of Arc in 2008, the “psychic confrontation.”
Royaume France is the appearance of a vocation to sanctity and a mission to save Catholic and Royal France through True Devotion to Mary, contemplation, and sacrifice. It is a journey with these two saintly sisters through mystical France to truth, beauty, and goodness on “the Trail of the Dogmatic Creed.” The pathway leads from St. Joan of Arc at Mont Saint-Michel to Magdalene’s sanctuary at la Sainte-Baume. Magdalene’s cave is ground-zero for the kingdom of mystical France. The pathway through the kingdom must unfold in our hearts in obedience to St. Joan and St. Thérèse for the salvation of souls and France.
I intend this spiritual work as a conceptual map of meaning for those called. I am asking no one to follow me, only St. Joan and St. Thérèse. Royaume France is not a reductionist socio-political movement, authoritative apostolate, or formal organization. It is a personal spiritual expression of consecration to St. Joan and St. Thérèse and their mission to the world through the spiritual French Catholic diaspora. It is a missionary labor of love for our saintly sisters Joan and Thérèse, Our Lady the Virgin Mary, the Catholic Church, and our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that St. Joan and St. Thérèse will awaken the diaspora worldwide.
“Blessed be the Lord, for he hath shewn his wonderful mercy to me in a fortified city.” Psalm 30:22.