The Lady of Royaume France


St. Mary Magdalene is the Lady of Royaume France. She is the foundress of Catholic and Royal France and the House of New Bethany. Magdalene's mode of being is the gestalt of Mystical France. Our friendship with her is founded on mutual love for Our Lord Jesus and Our Lady. Our union with her in this royal line is defined as an empathic sharing in, and noematic comprehension of, her map of meaning. It is through a union of hearts with Mary Magdalene, a union of phenomenological awareness, that we are born into the royal line bequeathed to her by Our Lord at the foot of the Cross and the tomb of the Resurrection. It is more broadly a union of hearts with the saints of The Dove and Rose initiated and manifested through grace alone.

St. Joan of Arc, through the hermeneutics of St. Thérèse, is our embodied point of entry into this shared mode. It is through St. Joan that all the possibilities of our mode of being as the French Catholic diaspora are presented to us by divine Providence. Investigating these possibilities with intentionality, through a psychic transformation in our relationship with Joan, we develop a line of insight through the intellectual syntax of St. Mary Magdalene and the movement of the Holy Spirit. This line of insight is metaphorically like following Joan of Arc on a trail guided by the soft light of Magdalene’s grace-filled syntax of being, in the still, dark night of faith. From this line of insight, we make logical inferences in an agility of mind that brings the constituent meanings together as a gestalt expression in accord with Magdalene’s map of meaning.

The movement of our soul in grace through this phenomenology is consistently meaningful and creative through embodied relationships in the communion of saints. Truth becomes self-evident as that which comes together as a whole of gestalt meaning in the embodiment of a symbol. Our symbol is Catholic and Royal France in the center of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The embodiment of the symbol is St. Mary Magdalene by the grace of God and the will of Divine Providence, she who is the faithful penitent at the foot of the Cross and the first at the tomb of the Resurrection. St. Joan of Arc, as understood through the heart of St. Thérèse, is the animated form, the heart and soul of our movement along the softly lit pathway in the night of faith. St. Mary Magdalene’s image in Provence is our embodied gestalt as the royal line of New Bethany. In this union of hearts, we are the House of New Bethany in the center of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, where Jesus Christ reigns in all His glory.

Consecration to St. Mary Magdalene

St. Mary Magdalene,

Dear patroness, sister, and foundress of the House of New Bethany, may I obtain the great grace of union of heart, mind, and soul with you in your heavenly glory. By sharing your spirit on the shores of Provence, I hope, like you, to obtain union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and through her with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I hope, like you, to receive France in my heart and, with you, to sacrifice my life to protect and restore her glory in the Kingdom of God.

Newly-made in the glory of the combined hearts of St. Joan and St. Thérèse, let me now share in Our Lady’s mission to love, save, and protect holy France for God’s Kingdom. Allow me, dear Magdalene, to receive, now and for all eternity, my entire consecration to you as a member of the House of New Bethany, your royal line endowed upon you by Jesus Christ. In faith, hope, and love, let me share in the mission for France with you through evangelization, prayer, contemplation, and penance.

May I obtain my own contemplative Sainte-Baume in the center of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. May all the graces God wills for me be imbued in my being through your royal heart formed by Jesus at the foot of the Cross, through your royal line bequeathed at the tomb of the resurrection by a touch to your forehead, and through the form of the heavenly Kingdom of France the Lord and Our Lady established on earth by you on the shores of Provence.

Please intercede for me that now and for all eternity, you will be my patroness and sister, my protector, and the channel of grace for my royal inheritance through the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I consecrate myself for all eternity to Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, to you Mary Magdalene, and to France in the Kingdom of God.

St. Mary Magdalene, pray for me.

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