The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
S4E8 - St. Joan of Arc merges phenomenology and medieval metaphysics

S4E8 - St. Joan of Arc merges phenomenology and medieval metaphysics

Joan's story continues to reflect the "appearance of her appearing" in history.
Royalty free image from Felix Mittermeier photography.


Season 4 Episode 8

Joan won over the Dauphin, Charles VII. However, she must still be tested by the theologians in Poitiers. In this episode more of Joan of Arc is revealed as history reveals her. We discover yet more mystery. This young seventeen year old woman makes a reference to her lasting “one year, hardly more.” What could this mean? Her newly assigned page Louis de Coutes is impressed by her seeming fervent prayers offered in solitude. The ecclesiastical court in Poitiers is equally impressed with Joan’s character and demeanor. “I would really like to have had so fine a daughter,” reflected one member. Most importantly, the historical context of Joan’s life widens a bit more based on her testimony. We learn more of her past, but this is nothing in comparison to the astonishing revelation of what inspired her to begin her project in the first place and venture into danger to see the King.

Reflective question

When you “put the pieces of the puzzle together” thus far, what do you perceive to be the “appearance of Joan appearing”?

Quotes from this episode1

“I shall last one year, hardly more.” ~ Joan of Arc

“At that time, when I was with Joan in that tower, I often saw her on her knees praying, as it seemed to me; nevertheless, I could never hear what she was saying, even though sometimes he wept.” ~ Joan’s page Louis de Coutes

“You are very welcome; the more the blood of France is gathered together, the better it shall be.” ~ Joan to the Duke of Alençon

“This girl spoke terribly well,” Albert d’Ourches from the region of Vaucouleurs had said of her, adding “I would really like to have had so find a daughter.”

“When she was watching over the animals, a voice revealed itself to her, which said that God had great pity on the people of France, and that she, Joan, had to go into France [from her home on the frontier]. Upon hearing that message, she began to weep, and then the voice bade her go to Vaucouleurs, where she would find a captain who would bring her safely into France unto the king and that she should have no uncertainty. And so she did, going to the king’s court without delay.” ~ Seguin Seguin, a member of the Poitiers tribunal

I am also the co-host of the Heroic Hearts podcast with Amy Chase. Heroic Hearts is devoted to a spiritual adventure with St. Joan of Arc and St. Thérèse of Lisieux! Join us on the journey!

Visit Amy’s Substack, The Occidental Tourist.


Pernoud and Clin, Joan of Arc - Her Story. pp. 25-28

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The Dove and Rose
The Dove and Rose Podcast
A holy expression of Jehannian-Thérèsian Catholic Spirituality. The Dove and Rose is a phenomenological journey through the heart of St. Joan of Arc in the company of St. Thérèse.